1、自我民族志在旅游研究中应用评析. 旅游学刊. 2022. 第一作者. CSSCI
2、旅游地居民环境责任行为研究进展与展望. 旅游学刊. 2023. 第一作者. CSSCI
3、Face consciousness, personal norms, and environmentally responsible behavior of Chinese tourists: Evidence from a lake tourism site. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 2022. 第一作者. SSCI一区,ABS 2星.
4、Green or red faces? Tourist strategies when encountering irresponsible environmental behavior. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Chang. 2023. 第一作者. SSCI
5、Resource mobilization and power redistribution: The role of local governments in shaping residents’ pro-environmental behavior in rural tourism destinations.Journal of Travel Research. 2024. 第一作者. SSCI一区,ABS 4星.