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  • 3522vip浦京集团讲师,博士,主要研究兴趣包括数字经济、量化金融、产业创新系统等,研究方法除了能够熟练运用传统的经济与管理学方法之外,还擅长运用机器学习与传统的方法结合,以及仿真模型的方法。具备丰富的企业界的工作经验在职业生涯中,曾在多家企业担任高管职务,能够融合联通实体制造企业管理和金融投资,从实践的角度去进行理论的创新。曾参与国家自然科学基金、国家社科基金等各类项目,已在《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》、《European Journal of Innovation Management》等国际期刊发表学术论文10篇。

  • 1. 参与杭州市社科联项目:杭州数字经济与智能制造融合发展研究。

    2. 参与国家社科基金重大项目:聚焦关键核心技术突破的国家创新体系研究。

    3. 参与国家自然科学基金重大项目:中国企业自主创新与技术追赶理论研 究:模式、机制与动态演化。

    4. 参与第五期浙江文化研究工程重人项目:创新发展的浙江样板。

    5. 参与国家级大学生创新创业训练计划:伊园 I-Learning 数智未来

  • 1. 参编:李一邨,肖炜麟,滕远阳等,高级量化投资:波动率的估计、建模、预测[M].中国财政经济出版 社.2023.(副主编)

    2. 参编:吴晓波等.2016-2017 浙江省创新型经济蓝皮书[M].浙江大学出版社,2019,编委

    3. 参编:吴晓波,杜健等.创新发展的浙江探索与实践[M].中国社会科学出版社,2018.编委

  • 1. Teng, Y. Li, Y.*. Wu,X.(2024),Exploring the Mechanism of Path-Creating Strategy for Latecomers: A Combined Approach of Econometrics and Causal Machine Learning.Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.(SSCI,JCR一区,中科院二区,Naure子刊)

    2. Teng, Y. Zheng, J *. Li, Y. Wu, D (2023), Optimizing digital transformation paths for industrial clusters: Insights from a simulation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 200,123170(SSCI, JCR一区,中科院一区,ABS三星,五年影响因子 12)

    3. Li, Y., Teng, Y*(2023), Statistical inference in discretely observed fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 177, 11402, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2023.114203. (SCI, JCR一区,中科院一区,五年影响因子6.4)

    4. Li, Y., Teng, Y*., Wu, D. and Wu, X. (2023), "From lagging behind to going beyond: windows of opportunity and latecomers' catch-up strategies", European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (SSCI,JCR 二区,ABS一星,五年影响因子5.5)

    5. Li, Y. & Teng, Y*(2023). Fama-French five-factor model with Hurst exponent compared with machine learning. Mathematic,2023.11,2988.(SCI, JCR 一区)

    6. Teng, Y., Li, Y*., & Wu, X. (2022). Option Volatility Investment Strategy: The Combination of Neural Network and Classical Volatility Prediction Model. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2022.(SCI, JCR三区)

    7. Li, Y., & Teng, Y*. (2022). Estimation of the Hurst Parameter in Spot Volatility. Mathematics, 10(10), 1619.( SCI,JCR 一区)

    8. Li, Y., Teng, Y., Shi, W., & Sun, L. (2021). Is the Long Memory Factor Important for Extending the Fama and French Five-Factor Model: Evidence from China. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021. (SCI, JCR 四区)

    9. Li, Y., Wu, X. & Teng, Y. (2020, August). Evolutionarily stable strategy analysis of Quantitative investment strategy. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1616, No. 1, p. 012103). IOP Publishing. (EI)

    10. Teng, Y., Wu, X., & Li, Y. (2020, September). Content analysis and topic correlation of financial news related to big data concept. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1634, No. 1, p. 012062). IOP Publishing. (EI)

  • Wu, X. Teng, Y. Shi, Y. Ding, S. (2019, September). Windows of Opportunity: Technology Cycles, Demand Conditions, and Strategy Tendencies. 23rd Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium.23.2019.09.25